The Goldfinch Experience

Our Clients



Lower healthcare costs. Reduce absenteeism. Improve morale.

Most employers are shocked by how much outdated surgery is impacting their bottom line. Companies lose $38 billion a year in wages. Run-away healthcare costs and high-cost claimants due to poor surgical outcomes only add to this total.

This happens because 95% of surgeries are performed using outdated protocols. These surgeries can cause avoidable complications, opioid addiction, budget-breaking expenses and long recoveries.

Protect your people. Protect your plan.

With Goldfinch Health's Enhanced Surgical Journeys, your employees and covered members have access to clinically-proven Enhanced Recovery Around Surgery (ERAS) protocols and Goldfinch Nurse Navigators to ensure the best possible outcomes.

We make it easy for you to add Goldfinch to your employee benefits. Companies can start anytime during the year. No need to narrow the network or change your plan documents--we work within your existing network. And only pay when this employee benefit is used!

On average, Goldfinch Health-supported members return to work 34 days faster than the national average and use 50% fewer opioids. And 96% of Goldfinch-supported members would recommend the program to their friends and family.


Protect your members. Protect your risk pool. Preserve choice.

Union members face unique challenges given the often physical nature of their trades. When a member has surgery, the unknowns can be overwhelming. Will the surgery be successful? Will there be complications? How long will your member be out of work? How much will it cost? And will your member have ongoing opioid dependence?

When 95% of surgeries are performed using outdated techniques, these concerns are warranted. Union members face unique challenges given the often physical nature of their trades. At Goldfinch Health, we don’t accept the status quo. We believe the most advanced healthcare should be available to everyone. Every time.

Manage the pain of surgery, without the risk of opioid addiction.

Goldfinch Health’s clinically proven Enhanced Surgical Journeys have been shown, through member support and advocacy, to reduce recovery times by half and prevent costly complications and readmissions. You can start any time during the year without any change to your existing provider network. Get your members back to work and life faster while protecting your shared risk pool for everyone.

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Insurance Brokers/Consultants

High-cost claimants and surgery. Finally, an answer.

Stand out from the pack in an overwhelming benefits marketplace with Goldfinch Health. Your clients may be surprised to learn just how much money they lose each year due to outdated surgeries.

In fact, 95% of procedures are more costly and invasive than necessary. These outdated surgeries — which lead to follow-up surgeries, complications, opioid addiction and other expensive outcomes — affect everyone.

No matter the insurance plan, network or size of employer, Goldfinch Health can lower healthcare costs and keep employees who are essential to your clients' success happy, healthy and at their best.

Be an innovative partner.

As a trusted advisor to whom clients turn to for help, you finally have an answer to the difficult questions about musculoskeletal, women's health, cancer care and other high-cost areas. And, you have an answer that doesn't involve non-member friendly narrow networks. 

With Goldfinch Health, employers only pay when the benefit is used, they can start at any time during the year, and we work with their existing healthcare network. Our Enhanced Surgical Journeys use clinically-validated Enhanced Recovery Around Surgery approaches (ERAS protocols) and compassionate Goldfinch Nurse Navigators to reduce complications, use of opioids and decrease recovery time by 34 days on average.

Surgery Quality Analysis by Goldfinch Health provides unique insights into the quality of surgery and recovery within a member population. By reviewing rates of minimally-invasive techniques, opioid use after surgery, and surgical complications, Goldfinch can arm you to bring much-needed solutions in this high-cost area to your clients. 

Disability Insurers/Workers Comp

Surround claimants with support. When they really need it.

Surgery is part of over a quarter of short-term disability and workers compensation claims. And at least 95% of surgical experiences are more costly and invasive than necessary.

Large-incision, outdated surgery approaches and opioid-dependent recovery protocols are the formula for long recoveries after surgery. And that is exactly what the data shows.

In musculoskeletal cases alone, there are over 750,000 short-term disability claims each year. The average claimant misses 78 days of work and receives $9,000 in disability benefits. We can do so much better.

Coordinated care. Case management simplified.

Throughout the claimant's journey, Goldfinch Nurse Navigators support not only the claimant but also analysts and case managers by providing their specific expertise in opioid-sparing, fast-track recovery surgery and recovery. Our goal is coordinated, high-quality care for every member.

And this member-friendly advocacy approach doesn’t just reduce costs per claimant. With members more quickly on the road to recovery, administrative burden is reduced as well.

employee benefits strategy


Extend your nurse support. Free up beds. Prevent post-op readmission.

Prevent bounce-backs to the ER and hospital while increasing patient satisfaction. It’s not a fantasy. It’s Goldfinch Health!

Our Nurse Navigators work with patients each step along the way in preparing for and recovering from surgery. Studies show nurse follow-up not only reduces readmissions dramatically but also reduces the length of the readmissions when they do occur.

We act as an extension of your care team, supporting adherence to pre- and post-surgery instructions and providing reporting back to the physician to make follow-up visits as efficient and successful as possible.

Get an advantage in a competitive marketplace.

Goldfinch's Enhanced Surgical Journeys use Enhanced Recovery Around Surgery (ERAS protocols) and skilled Nurse Navigators to reduce healthcare costs by $3,000 per case. On average, Goldfinch patients return to work and life in half the time and report high satisfaction.

A vast nursing shortage is challenging hospitals nationally. Has there ever been a better time to consider how strategic partners in high-impact service lines could enhance your business?